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A brown and white dog sitting next to a blue cleaning container

How to Clean a Crate: A Complete Guide

Importance of Regular Dog Crate Cleaning

Why is it so important to keep your dog’s crate clean? Like we mentioned in the introduction, it’s about more than keeping up appearances - it’s also vital to their health and overall happiness. Think about it - would you want to sleep in dirty bedding or lounge on a soiled couch? We’re betting not! You need to keep your pet’s space clean for hygiene and to reduce stress. It’s also worth noting that keeping it clean reduces the risk of bacteria building up which could make them sick over time. And, don’t even get us started on the pesky odors that can linger when we don’t keep our pet’s crate clean! Bottom line - it’s critical that you keep your crate clean for the sake of both you and your dog!

Supplies You'll Need for Cleaning a Dog Crate

To make your crate-cleaning mission a breeze, gather these pet-friendly superheroes:

  • Pet-safe cleaning products
  • Scrub brushes and microfiber cloths, and
  • A garbage pail or can

You might also want to grab a vacuum depending on the dirt and hair levels of your pet. For example, if your pup sheds a lot, a simple wipe down won’t cut it!

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean a Dog Crate

Step 1 - The most important step is to buy an easy to clean dog crate in the first place! When you use a well made crate like the Revol Dog Crate or the Evolv Dog Crate, cleaning is a breeze. It features our unique diamond wire mesh and a removable tray making cleaning as easy as it is to put together. You can quickly take everything out of it, wipe it out and in the worst cases rinse it off and let it dry out. That said, before you get to work on cleaning the crate, be sure to take your dog out of the crate to avoid any mishaps or issues.

Step 2 - Wash the bedding that’s inside the crate. We highly recommend both the Pillo Dog Bed and the Bolstr Dog Bed. The Pillo Dog Bed is an ultra-durable option with a water-repellant outer cover designed to withstand biting, chewing, scratching, and cleaning. It's also a great fit for Revol crates. On the other hand, the Bolstr Dog Bed is perfect for Evolv crates and most standard wire crates. The covers of both beds are easy to remove, machine washable, and machine dryable for your convenience.

Step 3 - Once everything is out of the crate, wipe it down with your pet-friendly cleaners. And, dry off everything you can long before letting your furry companion back in.

Step 4 - Next, remove loose debris, and then dispose of any waste.

Step 5 - Once everything is clean, including your bedding, put things back where they go so your dog can enjoy their safe haven once more.

A Quick Note on Thorough Cleaning and Sanitization

Better Homes & Gardens reported that several cleaning sprays are actually hazardous to pets. These items include ammonia, bleach, isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorine among others. Though they are great at killing bacteria, it’s critical that in the event you use any of these products you thoroughly rinse and dry the space before allowing your pet back into the crate.

What is the best cleaner for dog crates?

A safer option that some websites recommend is to use a solution of baking soda and vinegar because it will still kill odors and bacteria, but won’t harm your pet as much if any residue manages to stick around. That said, it’s better to be safe than sorry and clean out all cleaning products before using the crate again.

What is the best way to disinfect a dog crate?

To disinfect a dog crate effectively, use a pet-safe disinfectant or a mixture of vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) to clean all surfaces thoroughly. Allow the disinfectant to sit for a few minutes before wiping it off. Rinse the crate with water, ensuring no residue is left behind. Let it air dry completely before adding fresh bedding and toys.

Tackling Tough Stains and Odors

There’s nothing worse than putting in all that work only to still see stains and odors. These tips might help!

5 Tips for Removing Stubborn Stains and Odors

1. Baking Soda Magic: Sprinkle baking soda on the stain, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up to absorb and neutralize odors.

2. Vinegar Power: Mix equal parts vinegar and water, apply to the stain, and blot gently to tackle both stains and lingering odors.

3. Enzyme Cleaners: Use enzyme-based cleaners specifically designed to break down tough stains and odors caused by pet messes.

4. Sunlight Magic: For fabric stains, let the sun work its magic by placing the item outside in direct sunlight; it can naturally bleach away stains and eliminate odors.

5. Essential Oils: Mix water with a few drops of pet-safe essential oils to create a refreshing spray that masks odors and leaves a pleasant scent. Some dogs are allergic to different fragrances, however. So do your research before using them!

3 Tips for Easier Crate Cleaning

There are a few things you can do to make your task of how to clean a dog crate an easier one.

First, harness the magic of crate liners and covers – your secret weapon against messes. These heroes protect the crate from spills and accidents, making your cleaning mission swift and easy.

Second, let's not forget the power of crate training! Teaching your pup to love their den keeps messes at bay, as they'll treat it like their precious kingdom.

Third, utilize easy to clean pet supplies. The crate you use should have a removable tray and be free of rust-prone metals. And, the bedding you use should come with a washable cover.

A Clean Crate is More Inviting

Create a haven of joy! Sprinkle the crate with love, making it cozy and inviting with soft blankets and toys. Your pup will adore their magical retreat! And remember, use positive reinforcement – rewards, treats, and praise – when they embrace their crate like a true champion. Turning crate time into a delightful adventure, will have your furry friend wagging their tail with excitement every time they step inside.

Conclusion and Next Steps

How often do you wash a dog's crate? The frequency of crate washing depends on your dog's habits and the type of messes they make. In general, aim for at least once a month for a deep cleaning. However, spot cleaning should be done more frequently, as needed, to keep the crate fresh and tidy.

So, where do you go from here? If you haven’t cleaned your dog’s crate in a while, it’s high time you do that. Remember, a clean crate is essential for a happy and healthy dog, and it’s your job to be a responsible pet owner and keep your dog’s crate clean.

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